Cyanuric Acid

Type: Industrial Circulating Water Treatment Agent
Appearance: Powder
Color: White
Environmental Protection: Yes
Acid-Base Property: Acidic Surface Disposal Agent


1. Cyanuric Acid is mainly used in the manufacturing of Cyanuric acid bromide, chloride, bromine chloride, iodine chloride Cyanuric acid salts, esters.
2. Cyanuric Acid can be also mainly used for the synthesis of new disinfectants, water treatment agents, bleaching agents, agents, brominating agent, anti-oxidants, paint coating, a selective herbicide, and metal cyanide palliative.
3. Cyanuric Acid also can be directly used in the production of chlorinating stabilizing agents of swimming pools, nylon, plastic, polyester smoldering agents and cosmetic additives, resin, etc.


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