physical, chemical properties and uses: clear and colorless liquid. creating a mist when it is in the air . Relative density 1.764, melting point – 112℃, boiling point 39℃(7466.032Pa), approximately 90℃, it starts to decompose. Dissolves in the water, its water-soluble fluid has a very good electrical conductivity. Is the strong acid, also is the strong oxidant, has the strong corrosiveness when Meeting the organic matter, it can cause the detonation under the heating condition. It can carry on the fierce response producing oxide compound with the iron, the copper, the zinc, and so on, can turn the yellow phosphorus and the sulfur into the phosphoric acid and the sulfuric acid separately by oxidation.
Useful in the making pharmacy, electronic industry, industries of galvanizing and the film strip, the artificial diamond, electric industry, the electricity polishing, and the pharmaceutical, also useful in producing the grinding wheel getting rid of the carbon granule impurity. Serves as a strong oxidant, but is also useful in producing fireworks and blasting explosives.
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